Residential and Commercial Anti-Scale systems 

  • Installation & Replacement
  • Maintenance & Repair
  • Whole-House and Point-Of-Use Systems
  • Salt-Free Solutions


The Anti-Scale Water Conditioning system is an alternate solution for hard water problems. Like a conventional water softener, they use a treatment medium contained inside a mineral tank. Water is passed through the granular medium inside the tank and treated. Unlike a traditional water softener, however, the Anti-Scale system does not need salt.

Anti-Scale systems do not remove calcium (Ca2+) and magnesium (Mg2+) ions from water (as softeners do) but, rather, they change these hardness minerals from their ionic form to a harmless crystalline form. In this very stable form, calcium and magnesium do not attach to pipes, appliances, and fixture surfaces.

The Anti-Scale system is actually water conditioning, not softening.


Anti-Scale Water Conditioner Benefits 

  • Does Not Use Electricity
  • No Control Valve Required
  • Does Not Use Salt
  • No Wastewater Discharge
  • No Drain Required
  • Treats Hot and cold Water


Is Conditioned Water Right For You? 

Everyone knows what a water softener is, but not everyone knows what conditioned water is. Conditioned water is a great Anti-Scale solution, but it does not offer the additional “soft water benefits” of a water softener. A water softener has added benefits, including: feel, soft skin and hair, softer laundry, increased soap suds and increased household cleaning power. These are things to consider when deciding which system is best for you.

Our Problem Water Specialists can help you. Our free in home water analysis will reveal a lot about your water quality and is essential in determining the right solution.